Προκήρυξη: Bραβείο Iστορικού Mυθιστορήματος «Κώστας Κυριαζής»


The K. & A. Kyriazi Foundation was established in 2023 at the request of Artemis Kyriaki, with the aim of developing initiatives aimed at:
- Promoting the educational and cultural level of Greek society
- Strengthening scientific research
- Promoting literature and the arts
- Providing care for elderly individuals who are financially and physically incapable and lack family support
Framework of Activities
Respecting the distinguished historical legacy of the Kyriatzis family and with a vision for Greece's future, both Konstantinos and his wife Artemis Kyriatzis have precisely defined the framework of the Foundation's activities as follows:
- Establishing, announcing, and awarding prizes for literary works, such as historical novels, and for works with cultural, scientific, social, or educational content
- Establishing, announcing, and granting scholarships to promote research and studies related to the Foundation's objectives, with the possibility of collaborating with the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (ELIDEK), by entering into a specific agreement that will define the terms, criteria, and conditions of the collaboration
- Organizing conferences, seminars, workshops, exhibitions, discussions, and any kind of events or projects related to the Foundation's goals, including the production of theatrical and musical works
- Publishing or participating in the publication of materials and books related to the Foundation's objectives
- Utilizing the library of Konstantinos and Artemis Kyriatzis, which contains rare and valuable historical materials from the Kyriatzis family, including
- 1. Documents and heirlooms from Anagnostis Kyriatzis Velestinlis, nephew of Rigas Velestinlis (a leader in Thessaly, member of the Filiki Eteria, and a member of the first Greek Parliament in 1822), as well as from his son Dimitrios, a key figure in the September 3, 1843 revolution. It is worth noting that the true name of Rigas was Antonios Kyriatzis, as referenced in historical sources (e.g., in the history of the Greek Revolution by G. Finley). Rigas had a brother named Dimitrios, whose son was Anagnostis. και
- 2.The materials also include the journalistic legacy and publishing activities of the Kyriatzis family, including the publication of the newspaper Ethnos and their struggle for democracy, as well as the publication of the European Municipal Information Bulletin
- Collaborating with public and private bodies with similar or related goals and activities, both in Greece and abroad, as well as with Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) domestically and internationally
- Organizing and managing humanitarian aid programs with other relevant public and private bodies for elderly individuals who are demonstrably financially and physically unable and lack family support
Kostas Kyriazis International Center
The Kostas Kyriatzis International Center (KKIC) was founded in 1992 and served as a precursor to the K. & A. Kyriatzis Foundation. Its purpose was to preserve the values and democratic ideals of Ethnos newspaper co-owner and writer Kostas Kyriatzis — ideals for which he struggled throughout his life — and to promote Greek culture abroad. The KKIC engaged in a wide range of activities: it awarded financial journalism prizes, honorary awards to international personalities, provided sponsorships, and funded conferences, among other activities.
• In 1992, the Center organized and funded a conference on the theme "Terrorism, Why?" in collaboration with Paris II Assas Pantheon University (Professor Stamatios Tzitzis) and the University of Athens (Professor Petros Yemtos).
• In 2004,the Center organized an international conference in Volos, in collaboration with the University of Thessaly’s Economics Department, on the topic "Navies and State Formation," with Professor Nicholas Rodger (Oxford, All Souls & Fellow of the Royal Academy).
• In 2010, it organized and co-funded an international conference in Delphi for the 2500th anniversary of the Battle of Marathon (organizers: Professors G. Mpitros, N. Kyriatzis, and Ambassador Guy de la Croix).
• In 2013, it organized a conference in Volos in memory of Professor Anastasios Karagiannis, in collaboration with Professor George Mpitros.
• In 2015, in Volos, it organized a conference on "Economy and Democracy," again in collaboration with Professor George Mpitros.
Sponsorships The KKIC provided sponsorships for the publication of conference volumes from the 2004 conference (published by LIT Press in 2012, titled "Navies and State Formation"), the 2010 conference (published by the Journal of Economic Asymmetries), and the 2013 conference (published as Essays in Contemporary Economics by Springer). Honoring foreign personalities who have contributed to free expression of ideas, freedom of the press, and the rapprochement of peoples, the KKIC awarded the honorary prize to figures such as Kati Marton Holbrooke, President of the International Committee for the Protection of Journalists and wife of the then U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Holbrooke (the creator of the peace agreement for the Yugoslav War), New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, President of the European Parliament Egon Klepsch, German Foreign Minister Dr. Peter Corterier, Indian director Prackash Jah, and Ms. Li Shengxian, editor of China and the World Cultural Exchange. The recipients received their awards in special ceremonies in Greece, as guests of the KKIC. The KKIC also provided sponsorships to organizations performing social work, such as the Paralympics. It was a sponsor of the Diavazo literary awards and remains a sponsor of the Anagnostis literary awards. The Foundation also supported the "Distinguished Speakers Program" and the conferral of honorary doctorates by the Economics Department of the University of Thessaly, where ambassadors and professors (such as Paul Cartledge from Cambridge, Nicholas Rodger from Oxford, Gordon Tullock from George Mason University, Juergen Backhaus from Erfurt,